Auskick (Preprimary to Year 2)
Auskick is run at Charles Veryard Reserve North Perth for all girls and boys in Preprimary, Year 1 and Year 2.
All Auskick is 9am to 10:30am Sunday mornings and costs $165 for the season.
Sessions typically start late April each year and run through to August.
Sign up at anytime to get your Auskick backpack and gear in the mail.
Further information available from our Auskick Coordinator
Modified Rules Football
(Years 3 to 6)
Modified Rules players have a home and away season that is played Saturdays with home games at Menzies Park.
Most teams have training after school 1 day a week.
Fees are $211.50 for the season.
Further information available from our Registrar
Youth Football (Years 7 to 12)
Youth teams play on a Sunday.
Fees are $236.50 for the season.
Further information available from our Registrar
Girls Football (Years 3 to 12)
Up until Year 9, girls can choose to play in the Mixed competitions (Modified Rules on a Saturday or Youth on a Sunday) or they can choose to be in a girls only competition. The Cardies have several female only teams playing on Friday nights.
All ages of Female footy has one training session on a weeknight and play at grounds with good lighting on Friday evenings.
Female prices are the same as mixed teams.
3 to 6 fees are $211.50
7 to 12 fees are $236.50
Further information available from our Registrar
The AFL provides a short list that should be read by every parent. All parents should understand and abide by this code. Compliance ensures that footy at the Cardies is fun and stress free for all – just how it should be!
Mount Hawthorn Cardinals JFC policies
Cardies Team Selection Policy
Cardies Membership Policy
Cardies Life Membership Guidelines
Cardies Committee Member Code of Conduct
Cardinals Healthy Club Policy
Cardinals Coach Selection Policy
Cardinals Values Statement
Cardinals Disability Action Plan
Cardinals Smoke Free Policy
Cardinals Respect and Responsibilty – Statement of Intent
Cardinals Risk Management Policy

Menzies Park (Home ground) Corner Egina St and Purslowe St Mt Hawthorn WA 6016
Charles Veryard Reserve (Auskick and older youth) Corner Bourke St and Macedonia Pl North Perth WA 6006